Looking for more?
Check out Goodwill Wyoming's online selling marketplace, shopgoodwill.com! You can find collectibles, video games, jewelry (precious and costume), Legos, electronics, cameras, clothing, rare vintage pieces and so much more. Go to shopgoodwill.com to begin your treasure hunt! Revenue from our store front goes toward Goodwill Wyoming programs and services.
Time for a new book?
Goodwill Wyoming sells used books in great condition! We sell on Goodwillbooks.com and Amazon. Revenue from our store front goes toward our programs and services.
Goodwill Wyoming is proud to have an eCommerce department because it gives donations another opportunity to make a difference! In our eCommerce department we are able to easily make modifications to employ many people with varied needs. Being a unique working environment has employed many people that might have difficulty otherwise finding work that suits their strengths. Your purchase through any of our online sales ensures those with disabilities can have a great job and it makes a difference in their lives!
[email protected]
Any of our staff are happy to assist you.
Christina Chronister is the eCommerce Manager.
Christina Chronister is the eCommerce Manager.